by Nathan Martin | Oct 15, 2018 | Blog Post, HTACCESS, Javascript, jQuery, Tutorials, Wordpress
In your .htaccess folder in your WordPress root folder, add the following code replacing example\.com with your domain name. For example: mydomain\.com mydomain\.net This script makes sure you can only login from your domain not via a brute force $_POST attack....
by Nathan Martin | Oct 15, 2018 | Blog Post, Facebook, Javascript, jQuery, Tutorials
Do you have the need to track your phone calls with Facebook pixel and retarget to them later using Facebook advertising? Use this simple script [sourcecode] <!– Facebook Pixel Code –> { PUT YOUR STANDARD FACEBOOK PIXEL CODE HERE }...
by Nathan Martin | Oct 15, 2018 | Blog Post, Tutorials, Wordpress
Ninja Forms by default looks very blank. Use the following CSS to make your ninja forms looks awesome! Be sure to change the background, text and border colors as commented on below. [sourcecode] /* NINJA FORMS SEXINESS SCRIPT BY SAGEDREAD */ .ninja-forms-field,...
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